Youthhub Radio Show

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Youthhub Radio Show

In scaling up interventions for development and to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals, entertainment education or edutainment remains a formidable tool to reach a wide range of audience. The 2015 and 2016 World Development Reports respectively highlighted the untapped potential of entertainment education and mass media in development practice.

For our massive youth population, conveying information through Radio shows, movies, music, games, and arts can be a far-reaching approach. The Youth Hub radio show will leverage on the power of radio to reach and engage with young people within Abuja and its environs on topical issues and development.


The aim of this Program is:

  • To ensure young people’s contribution to topical issues around youth and development and to provide practical solutions to the issues raised by the young listeners.
  • To engage and better inform young people through the media on development issues.
  • To equip the interest of young people in social issues within their communities.
  • To inspire young people through the stories and experiences of other young people and the older generation




The Youth centered Radio show will be a semi-formal styled conversation anchored by two seasoned radio presenters. The show will run weekly (Fridays 4:00pm to 4:30pm) focusing on different topical issues every week. The show will frequently host Guest(s) from different works of life who are active players and contributors in driving sustainable development around the continent.

The ‘Parliamentary’ Styled Mode of Engagement
The Iconic aspect of the ‘Youth Hub’ radio show is the Parliamentary styled mode of engagement where our young listeners will not only be acknowledged but rewarded for their ‘consistent’ contribution to weekly episodes of the radio conversation.

The essence of this style of engagement is to awaken consciousness and sense of responsibility amongst young people as key players and catalysts of positive change which starts from their immediate sphere of influence.

Members of the parliament will be in 4 categories.

  • To ensure young people’s contribution to topical issues around youth and development and to provide practical solutions to the issues raised by the young listeners.
  • Ordinary members – Lowest level of membership. These are people who have called in to the show and made meaningful contributions 3 consecutive times. Failure to make contributions for 3 consecutive times in a row makes this slot available for another person to pick.
  • Distinguished Members – These are ordinary members who have made 7 meaningful contributions to the show and thus have been elevated to become a distinguished member. They are distinguished because they have been to one or more of YHA physical activities and have been assessed to be of distinguished characters and personalities. Failure of members at this level to make contributions for 5 consecutive sessions automatically reduces the member to an ordinary member. The benefit of members on this level includes branded items from YHA and its partners, Invitation to events and opportunities, and personal follow up.
  • Executive Members – Executive Members are Distinguished members who have followed the show for at least 15 weeks. This will include: Calling in and making meaningful contributions in each of the episodes.
    This category of members will be addressed with “Your Excellency”.
    Their benefits will include:
    Nominating members of the council of youth Elders/Grand council, suggesting what areas of focus for the radio show and other creative ideas that can work. They will have automatic slots at YHA controlled activities and have free tickets to free working space at YHA Co-working space (2 times a week- workspace + internet).

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