The Young Men’s Network Against Gender-Based Violence is an initiative for young male leaders to enable them to challenge cultural perceptions and stereotypes that fuel gender-based violence (especially with sexual related violence) and oppression against women and girls while influencing attitudes and behaviours in their various communities as change agents. The Network Members include young men from universities and different organisations across the country. A Desk Review of the Network’s activities that contribute to the elimination of female genital mutilation in Nigeria from inception till the year 2020 was conducted by YouthHubAfrica.
In addition, a short documentary on the journey of the YMN so far was produced. It shows the need that led to the formation of the network, the spread of the network across the country, the areas of interest as well as the challenges the network faces in carrying out its activities.

Furthermore, YouthHubAfrica also supported the network to conduct townhall meetings in Oyo, Osun, Ekiti, Imo and Ebonyi states. The aim of the meetings was to engage stakeholders on the issues of GBV as well as FGM in those states.
500 young persons across the 5 states attended the meetings and also discussed strategies that can be adopted to accelerate the end of FGM. Also as parts of their activities, an FAQ on FGM was produced. The FAQs have been uploaded on various web platforms with a view to answering basic questions on FGM thereby increasing awareness.

Moments captured from Young Men’s Network

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