YouthHubAfrica commenced implementation of the Ripple Project in the FCT. The Ripple project is a flagship awareness raising Peer Education program for youth on Ending GBV, HP and promoting SRHR pioneered by UNFPA and YouthHubAfrica and developed through a strategic, inclusive, extensive collaborative process working with Government and Key Stakeholders.
The project is being implemented across all the Spotlight focus states – Adamawa, Cross River, Ebonyi, Lagos, Sokoto and FCT and led by Local CSOs based in each of the states.

YouthHubAfrica identified, trained and engaged 30 young persons (17 females and 13 males) in the FCT to serve as peer educators on the prevention of Gender Based Violence and harmful practices and in promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights. Each Peer educator was expected to conduct a minimum of 30 one-on-one sessions and 3 group sessions monthly with young people to provide them information on GBV and HP prevention and on SRHR.
The group sessions leveraged existing or routine groups, interactions or gatherings such as religious events or associations, town hall meetings, youth events or groups. The Peer Educators also leveraged on various existing social media platforms to reach a wider group of young people. The Peer Educators reached a total of 7072 peers physically within the period of June to October.

Moments captured from The Ripple Project activities

Young People Reached
Spotlight States
Peer Educators in FCT

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