Stand with Malala Education Campaign

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Stand with Malala Education Campaign

In the second quarter of 2016, youthhubafrica worked directly with 30 local organisations(NGOs), 15 education institutions, 2 State Governments to take the campaign for 12 years free and Safe Education for Girl Child in Nigeria to the communities, Influencers, Government meetings and policy Makers. The community screening and influencers screening sparked up conversations in Local communities, and among policy makers in Nigeria. The screenings were funded by Participant Media through Global Giving.

  • 261 Influencers reached in 2 Influencers Screenings (Kaduna and Uyo)
  • 8,506 persons reached in 30 community screenings organized by 30 youth organizations reaching 250 persons each
  • 2,125 students reached in 15 screenings organized by Youthhubafrica in Abuja to reach 150 persons each
  • 124 girls advocates trained in 4 advocacy workshops for girls and organization lead
  • In total 11,016 people reached through the activities

Malala Screening Event in Kaduna

The Malala International Campaign project has changed the focus of discussions and conversations while also setting a definite goal for all discussions which is very particular, specific and direct: 12 years of free, safe and quality education for the girl child. The discussion moved from the usual call for “parent to allow their girl child to attend school” to “the girl child must attend school, complete at least 12 years and the 12 years must be free, safe and of quality too”. The conversations now has also achieved a tone of “how It can be achieved” instead of “if it can be achieved”.

For instance, the Kaduna Influencers screening had the Executive Governor of Kaduna State H.E Nasir El-Rufai and his wife Mrs Hadiza Isma El-Rufai and many cabinet members present. Then one of the trained Girls’ Advocates during the panel discussion threw a question at the governor asking what He will do differently to help the girls in the State go to school and also complete school. The Governor’s response was direct and precise. “You can leave Kaduna State if you don’t want to send your child to school next month. No street begging again. All our children must go to school. Any parent who refuses to send his or her child to school will be prosecuted and sent to prison.”

The hall went silent and faces of audience lightened up as the Executive Governor went ahead to state his commitment to girls education in the state. Newspapers headlines days after carried the news and it was clear that there is once again hope for the girl child in Kaduna and by extension for all Nigerian Children.

Weeks later, the government has now proposed an increased budget to education in the 2017 budget submitted to its State House of Assembly. As it stands, education now has the largest budget in the state, almost a 300% increase was proposed as compared to the 2016 budget. While we cannot ascribe such changes to our work alone, we feel that the influencers screening we had in Kaduna and the discussions with the State Governor, some of his cabinet members and his wife, played a key role in this. We have requested for a breakdown of the budget to see if specific resources are dedicated to girls education.

Follow links below to read more:
Send Child School Risk Jail Says El Rufai
Kaduna State Commits to Empowering Girls With Education
Budget of Jobs Social Justice and Equity

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