Sexual harassment in Nigerian universities has become a norm instead of a vice as it should be, female students fear a backlash as well as consequences if these issues are reported. In a study on sexual harassment and psychological consequence among students in higher education institutions in Osun State, Nigeria, it was found that the most commonly occurring pattern of sexual harassment is from male lecturers to female students. Although gender-based violence can occur from either male or female. A research carried by Oladepo et al, Yusuf et al and Arulogun OS; on “Factors Influencing Gender-Based Violence among Men and Women in Selected States in Nigeria” state that men are often perpetrators of GBV against other men, women, and children.

In order to curb the menace of GBV in the larger society, YouthHubAfrica with support from Ford Foundation through the Institute of International Education (IIE) has created this platform to contribute to ending Sexual and Gender-Based Violence by empowering and enlisting young students (who are bloggers) as frontline actors that will lead the campaign to end sexual and gender-based violence in their campuses, communities, and the society at large by using their tools and platforms.

This 4-weeks course is specifically designed for educating students who run existing online blogs or already write for campus platforms using pseudonyms and in some cases those who already are stringing for mainstream media in universities across Nigeria to end gender-based violence in their community and the society at large.

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