Governance Agenda for an Inclusive Nigeria (GAIN)

Governance &

Governance Agenda for an Inclusive Nigeria (GAIN)

GAIN partners want a progressive nation where their rights and freedoms are fully realized.

Women, youth and persons with disabilities constitute an overwhelming majority of registered voters in Nigeria. According to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), these groups constitute 70 percent of people registered during the Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) period from June 2021 to August 2022.¹ Inclusive governance is imperative to actualizing the dividends of a democratic system; however, previous advocacy efforts of women, youth and persons with disabilities on political and governance issues have not yielded the desired results. In particular, policymakers have not implemented policies advocated for by these groups that would meaningfully impact their lives. Bound by common intention and purpose, the 2023 general election presents a window of opportunity to change this narrative and put forward a coordinated voice of these three constituencies to engage political actors for a greater and more inclusive Nigeria.

This consolidated agenda will be used as an advocacy tool in the upcoming 2023 general election and beyond the election period to:

  • Secure commitments to legal and policy reform from the top 3 candidates for the presidential, National Assembly, and governorship elections, and
  • Demand accountability from newly elected officials on the commitments they made on GAIN

Read the full report & recommendations here

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