The Dora Club, named after the late Dr Dora Akunyili, was set-up to encourage, engage and empower young girls and boys in senior secondary schools with digital skills and leadership skills. The club engages students in extracurricular activities and serves as a platform to aid their self-development. DC currently have chapters in 10 schools and 1 community
Experience has shown that when young people are engaged and occupied from an early age, they tend to be productive and take responsibilities and lead roles in activities as they continue to grow. DC will open the mind of young persons to opportunities needed to achieve their goals and dreams, hence, creating a community of youths with great self-esteem and self-confidence. The club engages students in a wide range of tasks and activities which will encourage the younger generation to think outside the box, engage and interact in meaningful conversations. The club improves young people’s awareness of political, electoral and civic activities and duties in their communities, the country, and global sphere.
The aim of the Dora Club is to provide students with the leadership and digital skills needed for self-sustenance and to also contribute meaningfully to their communities.
The specific objectives are to
- Empower young boys and girls with leadership qualities.
- Equip students with digital media skills like photography and videography.
- Create a safe space for students to express their thoughts and ideas.
- Leverage on the existing YouthHubAfrica opportunity platform to provide the Club members with such opportunities as scholarships, paid conferences, and other relevant opportunities that will support their academic success.
The DC Slogan shall be: …Nuturing Changemakers…
See the complete guide on Dora Club here