Professor Babatunde Osotimehin until his death, was the Executive Director of UNFPA and was known for his interests in youth and gender issues, as well as advocacy in reproductive health and reproductive rights. It is therefore important to sustain the advocacy around reproductive health and rights which Professor Babatunde Osotimehin contributed greatly to, through evidence-based write-ups. One of the viable ways to engage young people in this area is coming up with activities that catch their fancy, one of which is essay competition. At the quest of winning a prize or an award, they research theme and by extension gain more knowledge and put forward possible solutions.
The project objectives were to ensure that young people are contributing to the conversations around sexual reproductive rights and health through literature; and to immortalize Professor Babatunde Osotimehin through essay competitions and lectures.
* 217 essays were submitted and collated.
* 3 consultants were hired who worked as independent judges that reviewed the 217 essays.
The top 30 essays were worked on by another independent judge who also subjected the top 30 essays to plagiarism test ()which brought about the top 10 finalists. 361 people attended the Annual Lecture

1st Late Prof. Babatunde Osotimehin Annual lecture & Essay Competition

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